Croatia is more than just a premiere European destination. In fact, it is known around the world for its stunning natural attractions, historic cultural background, exquisite food, and a community that will welcome tourists from all over the world.
Still, there is more to the country than just sightseeing and good food. Sailing Croatia through Med Sailing Holidays will indulge guests with the best of the best for seven days and seven nights. Each day will bring new adventures, new discoveries and of course, tasting Croatia’s famous wine.

Croatia’s wine production dates back as far as when ancient Greeks settled along the coast of the southern Dalmatian coast, particularly in the islands of Vis, Korcula and Hvar. They brought with them some of the local grape varieties that wine producers still use up to this day, although the method of producing their acclaimed wines have been exposed through experimentation and evolution.

Continental wine and Coastal wine make up Croatia’s major production line. Those that belong to the continental side stretch from the north-west to south-east, while the coastal area make up regions that run northern Istria and southern Dalmatia. Those that belong on the continental side experience “cold winters and hot summers”, while coastal area have long and dry summers and short and wet winters. Over the course of its production, however, wine experts and those with in-depth knowledge about Croatian wine came up with four new wine regions. They are further divided into twelve sub-regions, making Croatia home to more than 800 wineries that use one of the 64 varieties of grapes the country has been producing since the time of yore.

Wine is a mainstay drink in Croatia, and they pair the beverage with everyday food. Red wine comes from continental wineries and is akin to those found in neighboring Hungary, Austria and Slovenia. Going north will enhance the wine, and will be more in touch with Italian flavor. 67% of Croatian wine is red, while the remaining 32% is concentrated on making white varieties, rose’ and “special wines” such as sparkling and dessert wines.

The Croatian Institute of Viticulture and Enology is responsible for maintaining and regulating the wine production of the country since its inception in 1966. They enforce standards that ensure that only the best wines are produced, alongside the regulatory classification: Premium Quality Wine (Vrhunsko Vino), Kvalitetno Vino (Quality Wine), and Stolno Vino (Table Wine). Likewise, wine are also classified as Dry (Suho), Semi-dry (Polusuho), Sweet (Slatko), White (Bijelo), Red (Crno), Rose (Rosa) and Dessert wine (Prosek).

Ilok, Porec, Kutjevo, Darda and Erdut are the five largest wine producers in Croatia. Each have their own style in producing the best wine that they can offer, but as a whole, they have made Croatia ranked 30th in the world with an estimated 50,000 tons of wine produced in 2010.

From an everyday beverage to classical dining to an intimate partner for a special event, Croatian wine has a variety for every occasion. Their wine is just the tip of the iceberg, and there are still a lot more to uncover. Med Sailing Holidays’ Croatia package will ensure that the best of Croatia will be at your fingertips for that unique sailing vacation.